Refreshing Our Branding: Exciting Times for Turtle & Hare Photography // Virginia Wedding & Portrait Photographer


I was probably way too excited yesterday when I ripped open the beat up bubble packaging holding our brand new business cards, but I had been waiting way longer than expected for these little pains in my rear to arrive. In keeping with the disappointment of their delayed shipping, I half expected them to be bent, scratched, or the wrong color. Thankfully, none of those things were accurate.

The cards looked pretty much exactly how I expected them to. Simple, clean, and iridescent.

I had no complaints, and I still don’t. The title of this post might be misleading. We are by no means rebranding ourselves. Much of what comprises Turtle & Hare’s look and feel is sticking around for the forseeable future. We are just cleaning house a bit. Refreshing ourselves in preparation for all things wonderful. What does that mean exactly? All things wonderful include sunny days, rainy days, wedding days, portrait days, lazy days, and bake-a-bunch-of-sweets days. That pretty much covers everything.

We’re proud and pumped for these changes. In addition to the new business cards, we’ve updated some of our other graphics for seamless cohesion, we’re adding new print materials to give to each of our wedding couples, some pretty new advertising materials, brand new sample albums (I’ll be going into detail about these GORGEOUS heirlooms in my next blog post) for clients to peruse and find inspiration in, and some overall subtle changes to our website. Whew, that’s alot!

We’re so thrilled with what Turtle & Hare is about, what it’s become, and where it’s going. Thanks for all future things wonderful!

To see more of our work, please visit our website.

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