Joshua’s Arrival: A Newborn Hospital Session


I have to admit, taking Joshua’s hospital photos was extra special because he’s my nephew! The morning he was born, Paul and I were frantically running around trying to pack up everything we’d need to head up and stay in DC. We knew Paul’s sister was in labor, but once we knew Joshua was born, we became crazy with excitement. Anna must have thought we looked ridiculous running around the house. (Maybe it’s a good thing babies can’t tell you everything they’re thinking).

After the worst drive to DC (can I95 ever be described as a good drive?) we finally made it to the hospital to see the sweetest little boy. Oh my gosh, the pay off was so good. Joshua is the cutest, wrinkliest little guy ever! I’m so happy I’m his aunt.

Anna didn’t quite know what to make of the baby burrito we kept sitting her next to. She tried petting him like she does to our cat, Aggie, which means she just tried to grab a fist full of his face. Oh well, they have lots of time to get acquainted and get into all kinds of trouble together. I’ll stop talking now and let you look at this cute little baby face.

Anna looks like she loves him in this one! And of course Paul and I are infatuated.
Joshua says, “Let’s get out of here!”

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