As usual, I’m running behind on things. It’s 2017, and I’m embracing my lateness. So, la-dee-dah, I’m here writing my look back at 2016. It’s only January 6, people. At least I caught the fact that when I first wrote the previous sentence it said I was writing my look back at 2015. And thus, I take another sip of extra strong English breakfast tea to caffeinate my dizzy, sluggish mind.
Now, on to the topic at hand. What shall I say about 2016? It was a mixed bag of nuts. Okay, if you know me, you know I loathe nuts, particularly peanuts. However, I’m not sure 2016 deserves such a scathing review. She gets a bad rap, but even peanuts have redeeming qualities. After all, the Reese’s cup wouldn’t be here without the vile peanut. And so, I bring you the bright, beautiful moments of 2016 through the lens of Turtle & Hare Photography.
My baby celebrated her first Halloween, and we had such a great time coming up with a creative costume for her. She went as JB Fletcher, the genius mystery novelist in Murder, She Wrote, played by the immortal Angela Lansbury.
We offered Autumn Mini Sessions for the first time this year, and it was awesome! I really enjoyed getting to know families I’d never met before. We used this rocking reindeer as a prop, and let me tell you, it was a huge hit! Every kid we passed in the park wanted to ride it haha. I was nervous about offering mini sessions; fear of the unknown. It taught me to trust my instincts more as we go into this new year. I’m thinking about offering Spring Mini Sessions now!
Engagement sessions are such a treat. It’s an opportunity to catch a glimpse of this really special thing these two other people have. Good portrait photos don’t happen without the magic of the people in them. They bring them to life. Looking back at 2016, we had some pretty good magic moments. Thanks for loving each other, people!
Some of the best moments of 2016 were moments I didn’t even know were “moments” until they were over. They were a hug from a friend I needed more than I thought I did, a kind word of encouragement, or a very long phone conversation with my mom. People lovingly being open and honest with each other is what we all need more of. That’s why wedding vows and toasts mean so much. They’re an opportunity to give this raw explanation of why you love who you love and why you appreciate them so much. And the exciting part is that the wedding day is just the beginning of a life where you get to show this person how much you love them in action and word; a chance to have countless sincere moments you didn’t know were moments.
Speaking of magic moments, there were some pretty adorable babies born in 2016. Each one was so precious and sweet. Personally, we were thrilled to welcome our first nephew into this world!
We have a lot of these! What’s not fun about family self portraits with a baby who neither wants to have her photo taken nor wants to keep her shoes on? The three of us have fun together everyday. Even when situations don’t seem very fun, these two always manage to make me laugh (or at least smile).
Small moments are special for a photographer. We’re privy to catching a glimpse of a private moment between lovers, or parent and child, or even siblings. These are my favorite photos to take at weddings. Getting to witness two people committing their lives to each other is special, especially when they have these few minutes of quiet time together. We met some amazing couples this year, and attended some very beautiful weddings!
Whether it’s our family or yours, families are the best! These are the people you can hang out with, cuddle up with, eat with, talk with, and cry with. Looking back at 2016, we got lucky with the families we were able to photograph; babies, grandparents, and all of the ages in between, they were all really awesome.
I can’t leave out big moments! These heart stopping, adrenaline pumping moments that make the world stand still for a second are exhilerating. Big moments don’t come along as frequently, but when they do, you know it! We hope all of our couples and families know that their big moments were our big moments too. We loved getting to experience all of the joy and love that those big moments brought with you!
Thanks for choosing Turtle & Hare Photography to share in all of your moments, big and small, in 2016! It was a great year and we are more than excited for what 2017 will bring!
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