Downtown Richmond Senior Session // Turtle & Hare Photography


Connor was ready for his senior portrait session. He came prepared with a laid back attitude, some spare outfits, and family members with jokes on hand. I mean, I also have an abundance of what I like to call “dad jokes” at my disposal, but the goal of this session was to make Connor smile, not cringe. We started at the always lovely Maymont. In what seemed like two seconds, we had plenty of scenic photos, some of which I dubbed the “lost boys” set, and we were off to one of my personal areas of Richmond, Shockoe Bottom. Great architecture, murals and cobblestone abound. With some killer sunset light and a great wardrobe choice, we headed on to our last location, Libbie Hill Park. This classic RVA spot has a great skyline and gave us the sun’s last few streaks of light. I couldn’t have asked for a better senior to work with for this “highlights of Richmond” session. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for Connor post graduation!


  1. […] to see some other Libby Hill sessions? Here are some favorites! Connor’s Senior Session Morgan and John’s Engagement […]

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